ORCHID Phalaenopsis Yonghome Luckystar (peloric)
Temp: Intermediate-Warm to Warm 18-25°C day - 16-22°C night with 4-6°C difference day/night. Temperature dip to 16-18°C induces spike (flowering)
Water: Wet to complete dryout cycles. Hard dry required or roots may rot. When roots are abundance, new roots can stay slightly moist. Reverse Osmosis / Distilled or Rain water is best. DO NOT use ice cubes.Humidity: 40%-60% Recommended but can go down to 25-30% if watering correctly. If humidity is an issue, leave bit of water in saucer under the orchid to allow evaporation. Do not let moss touch the water reservoir otherwise media cannot dry. Use Leca as a drainage barrier if needed.
Light: Bright indirect (East Morning or Sunset Light direct, Mid-summer day indirect) year round. Artificial supplementary light recommended in winter or low light homes. 10-12 hour or increasing light period help induce flowering